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Sep 20, 2018

How do you talk about your business? Maybe you’ve never thought about it before, and if that’s the case this episode will hopefully change that. Every word you use in and about your business is part of your brand. It’s part of how the story and feelings that are elicited when people think about you and your business are crafted.

Your brand message is SO important and it’s often a step people skip until they’re months (or years deep) into a mediocre business. We’re helping you craft your brand message today because I find so many in my community still struggle with how to talk about their business in a clear, confident and effective way. It takes time to really get to know who you want to connect with and how best to actually connect with them. 

So I invited Adria DeCorte to join me this week. Adria is a self-proclaimed “messaging geek” and describes what she does a being a messaging coach who helps women coaches uncover the marketing message that lights them up and communicates the value in their work so they can reach more people, scale their business, and start a movement. She’s a TEDx speaker, and a former architect turned plant ecologist. She’s the creator of the program “Get Clear, Get Clients” and the host of the Unforgettable Podcast.  

If you’ve ever felt like there is something wrong with you or that you don’t know enough to help people after all (because they’d sign up if you did right?) then please listen to this episode before you go down the rabbit hole looking for more certifications or courses you can take to help you feel like MORE of an expert. 

The truth is that you already know enough to help people, that’s not the problem. It’s how you communicate what you do and particularly the transformation you are offering to your potential clients that makes ALL the difference. Your brand message (or lack thereof) can literally make or break your business. It’s going to be an ever evolving process, but honing in on it from the beginning is some of the most important work you’ll do.

So settle in and take some notes, you’re going to want to come back to this one again and again! And if you want to go deeper on this topic be sure to sign up for Adria’s upcoming 5 Days to Your Unforgettable Message Challenge! 

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • Exactly what your brand message includes
  • How the language and communication you use impacts your personal brand
  • The Importance of understanding your ideal client
  • Knowing what your message is in two sentences or less
  • The difference between having a business vs. just sharing content
  • What branding and messaging for your business encompasses
  • 3 Components of Effective Messaging: Skills, Solution, Stance
  • The “Opinion Brain Dump” and other strategies to help determine your stance
  • How health professionals can gain confidence in their messaging
  • Using the language of your ideal client to go deeper with your message
  • The constant evolution of your message, letting go of perfection, and clarity resets
  • Adria’s upcoming “5 Days to Your Unforgettable Message” Challenge


Things We Mention In This Episode:




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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Tell me below in 2 sentences or less..., what is your business all about? Or pop on over Instagram and send me a message there, that’s currently my favourite platform to connect.

You can also join my free online community to connect with more than 11 000 other health and wellness professionals  just like you to ask questions, share wins and struggles and get lots of support from me and my team! I hope to see you there.